CampbellCare After Care

Program Information

CampbellCare is our district-operated high quality childcare program located on our school campuses. We offer a safe and nurturing place where children can have fun while learning and making friends. We operate all 180 school days.

After school, we enrich your child’s learning through student-inspired clubs focused on Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math (STEAM). Students participate in age-appropriate, hands-on activities involving science, cooking, music, art, martial arts, scrapbooking, photography, world travel, dance, sports, and more. There is truly something for everyone.

After-School Program Hours: School Dismissal - 6:00pm, Monday-Friday. 

Sample Daily Schedule

  • 2:15-2:30: Check-in
  • 2:30-3:15: Learning Lounge (Homework Time)
  • 3:15-3:30: Snack Time (Snack is provided)
  • 3:30–4:00: Outdoor Choice Time
  • 4:00-5:00: STEAM Clubs, We Move, World Changers (SEL)
  • 5:00-5:30: Organized Game or Activity
  • 5:30-6:00: Clean Up and Table-top Activities

Registration Information

We want to share how our enrollment must be prioritized based on state legislation, Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELOP).

The legislation requires that priority placement be given to students in grades TK-6 who meet one or more of the following criteria: 

  • Homeless or Foster Youth
  • English Language Learner (Receiving services from CUSD to become proficient in English)
  • Free or Reduced Lunch Status (Have an approval letter from the CUSD Nutrition Department)

The families of eligible students will be given the opportunity to enroll first, then, if capacity allows, enrollment will be opened up to all. If the number of interested applicants exceeds capacity, there will be a lottery.  ELOP applications will be processed in priority of the day in which the completed application was received, rather than the previous minute by minute priority process. 

We are aware of the need for high quality before and after school care for our families, and we are continuing our commitment to hire additional staff. We appreciate the support you provide when you refer responsible friends and family members to job openings on our employment page

Completing the registration below is a pending contract.

If confirmed in the program, you will receive a welcome message in April. If we are at capacity you will receive notification in April that you are on the interest list.

CampbellCare After Care Logo
Contact Info
155 N 3rd St
Campbell, CA 95008